Standard sequencing (one-way sequencing using either forward or reverse primers)
The service includes the preparation of sequencing reactions using primers provided by the client or standard primers available in our Sequencing Laboratory. The results are generated in abi or ab1 files. Read length is between 250 and 700 – 800 nucleotides.
· Long-Read Sequencing Technology
The service includes the preparation of sequencing reactions using primers provided by the client or standard primers available in our Sequencing Laboratory. The results are generated in abi or ab1 files. In case of good quality matrices we guarantee read lengths of the nucleotide sequence above 1000 nucleotides.
· Forward and reverse sequence folding
The service involves sequencing of the matrix using forward and reverse primer provided by the client, putting results together in one contig and comparing the outcome with the reference sequence. The result is presented in the form of a text file.
· DNA sequencing on the 96-well plates
· Sample purification after sequencing
The service involves samples purification provided by the client using DYEnamic ET terminator cycle sequencing kit i ABI PrismTM BigDyeTM Terminator Cycle Sequencing kit and direct readout on the sequencer.